2024 As a Reader

This year is going to look different from past years wherein I set a book goal and tried to read that many books over the course of a single calendar year, etc. 

This year, instead, I will study twelve books (one book per month, goddess willing *fingers crossed*), in a way that will hopefully make me deeply understand the knowledge within said books.

I have a short list, of six books, already, but I do not feel like sharing them at this time. If you see my threads on Threads, then you already know which books I will study for the first half of this year. That means that I will have six months to figure out which other six books I will do a deep dive on, etc.

At some point, I'm sure, I will touch upon the books I read this year. I simply do not know what that will look like at this time, the beginning of the year. 

Happy Reading ^..^