Ten Ten Twenty-Four

Quit Threads
cause Threads sucks

for over a year
i've been spewing all sorts of racist shit on Threads
and for most posts
i was warned to [paraphrased]
"reconsider posting content like this, cause content like this gets flagged, etc."
not a single post had been removed
until a few days before this Quitting

it was a post calling a group of people i defined as
people who still play the "follow-for-follow game"

i had a post removed for "hate speech"

i thought about it a little and realized that "bitchcunt" obviously has its connotations
but it is not inherently "bad" to be a "bitchcunt"
and i did not place judgement on the word "bitchcunt"

i realized that i offended Meta users
and Meta apparently does not let you insult Meta users
but it does allow you to be racist
say racist shit
and peddle racist nonsense


i did not want to go back through all of my posts and delete them,
cause i want a profile
(for whatever reason, ask later, i'll maybe know...later)
but i no longer want to participate
&since i'm lazy as fuck
when it comes to these sorts of "problems"
(i did do this for my ig
cause i finally landed on a handle i want to keep
cause typically
in the past
i'd just delete and create a whole new account
but i'm officially
hooked on this handle
at the moment, lol)
i looked into my options
&one of the options is Deletion
which offers the service of deleting everything for you

my full delete date is 09nov24

90 days after complete deletion
i can create a fresh new account with my current ig handle

this is language
typically used in a sort of sci-fi future
is it not?

projected date of return
May 2025