02 March 2025


You have no enemies, you say?
Alas, my friend, the boast is poor.
He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes.
If you have none, small is the work that you have done.
You've hit no traitor on the hip.
You've dashed no cup from perjured lip.
You've never turned the wrong to right.
You've been a coward in the fight.

— Charles Mackay's "No Enemies" (1846)

There's a country.
And its people successfully laid down enemy fire on U.S. soil.
And then, the people of the U.S. dropped The Bomb.

The country was then both officially, internationally prohibited an offensive military, while simultaneously, artificially elevated as a culture of significance. That Tyrannical "carrot & stick" at work, as it were.

When the people of the country were then presented to the U.S. as an artificial soft cultural power, some United Statesians ate that shit up, nevertheless, the artificial soft cultural power that the people of the U.S. believed was real began to fade.

The strange thing is that the country stole women from a neighboring country during these conflicts. 
Stole them for sex and breeding, due to their beauty.
And so, it's so strange to see the general appreciation for the women of the country who are, essentially, "half-breeds" of the beautiful women from the neighboring country. 
The neighboring country that is now exerting its significance.
And this significance is stark between the country that was asia's artificial soft cultural power and the neighboring country that is now asia's actual soft cultural powerhouse.

This stark contrast is most-easily seen in the present-future relevance of Parasite (the first non-english language film to ever win picture of the year at the white United Statesian oscar's), and the old-timey, Shogun (in case you didn't know, all of these current "wins" are consolation prizes, a sympathetic limelight for japan due to the overwhelming, global success of the korean film industry). The U.S. is currently, obviously, doing its damndest to artificially float the country's "soft cultural power," because it no longer exists.
"Helping out" the neighboring country, the current soft-cultural powerhouse, is over. Finally!  

Also, it's so strange to think that people from the country walk around so freely upon this Island upon which their country laid down the enemy fire that ended up being the final straw of U.S. Might. 

I have never felt so grateful for being born korean. 
Like, ever, seriously.
If I were japanese and living on this Island, I would be horrified to show my name around anywhere.
I would be filled with so much shame I'd have to run back to japan.
And yet, this place is crawling with them in positions of power, no less.
Like, ick. 
Like seriously, what a serious lack of racial self-awareness!

Even I know that I need to relinquish my position of power to my current deputy.
I do not owe it to her, because I earned that position. 
The position had been vacant for years.
But now, I know that I cannot just hunker down and wear that ring for as long as I please.
I may have deserved it, now, because I earned it, but I do not deserve it in the larger context of this place.
My deputy has earned it; she is Filipino. If she were Hawaiian, I would've quit the position immediately. 
Hawaiians are difficult to come by, however, by design.

I've been looking this whole time I've been here. 
I've been fortunate enough to meet a few.
I have to figure out a way to them. 

Because I am not wracked with guilt.
I've done nothing to the Hawaiian or Filipino people.
My life has not been inherited from the people who have devastated this place. 
I thank Ladybug every day, these days, for being born of my people.

Yes, of course, the land of my people is riddled with problems. 
But they are fighting.
They are putting up the democratic fight for their lives and well-being.
Koreanness will NOT DIE. 

Both the male and female variety from the country about which I write, have approached me at my jobplace with a comment to the effect of, "Oh, well, you know, in japan, it's done like this." To which I generally respond, "Well, thank god we're not in japan!" or "I'm korean." But then, I realized that we kind of are living in a The Substance-like japan, and then, I realize that this is, obviously, the root of so many problems here. They've brought their mindset/ideology to these Islands! Even worse than the white man are the japanese for these Islands. This is obvious to me now. They hide behind the "majority asian" demographic here of the Islands, but THEY ARE NOT THE MAJORITY. They come here to exploit the demographic makeup of these Islands, do NOTHING to return the land to Hawaiians, and they put a strangle hold on the political climate... just like the culturally practiced torture of bonsai and ungodly-priced, square watermelon: YOU WILL NOT BE WHAT YOU ARE. WE WILL MAKE YOU WHAT WE IMAGINE YOU TO BE. BECAUSE WE KNOW BEST. BECAUSE WHAT WE VALUE IS WHAT SHOULD BE VALUED, AND ALL OTHER CULTURES VALUE LESSER THINGS.

They are overtly exploiting this place for their own race-gains. They also exploit the spirit of "aloha." The bodybuddy/lifemate was on the receiving end of the exploitation of "aloha," by an old japanese man. It is a heinous behavior to behold. They are suffocating this place into another failed japan. They refuse to understand their place in this world, and the ego required for this sort of behavior is absolutely horrifying. It is no wonder there is a mass exodus happening here, now. The Hawaiians have lost all Hope, too, and I couldn't be angrier. 

I've been to chile, south america, and there are white germans there. They were inconspicuous. They were embarrassed when I expressed, out loud, to some extent, that I didn't know that there were white people in chile. My older adopted brother explained it all to me later, and then I was embarrassed.

Call me japanese, and I'll prove to you that I am not. When you speak to me, I will treat you like the equal that you are, because you are human, first and foremost, not some lesser being that will be made better by my presence.


There's a country.
And its people successfully enslaved other groups of people in order to build itself into being. 
The largest group of these people being of african descent.

For centuries, the enslaved, even after being freed, lived a life of terror.
And for centuries, waves of progress would wash over the formerly-enslaved, now-freed, only to be met with regressive backlash. 

At some point, however, the general masses understood, and they could finally SEE.
It's true. 
The formerly-enslaved, now freeds have been receiving the short end of the stick by design. 
And yet, they rise.
Their progress is undeniable.

It should then be no surprise that their former/current oppressors are angered by their rise. 
The regressive backlash ought to be something for which there is a plan.

No individual enjoys watching some other individual rise.
Jealousy is real.
It ought to be the greatest motivator of all motivators to see the oppressors regress so hard.
They are jealous.
You are rising. 
It is undeniable. 

Nobody is going to help you anymore.
As an obvious cultural powerhouse, you are The Threat.

And yet, there seems to exist a confusion about the two examples I am going to outline now. They are not the same thing, and yet, they are being confused as the same.

Let's just say Person A is a mediocre-looking, less-than-mediocre practitioner of something on social media. Doesn't matter what their account is about, but their work is less-than-mediocre, and they are mediocre-looking. In social media terms, why would you expect to go viral? The only ugly people who go viral are mediocre white men (only because there are so many of them, the overwhelmingly vast majority of white men are mediocre; they're everywhere), like duh. Why do you think you "deserve" fame, simply because of the color of your skin? You want to be as mediocre and ugly as some white dude? What the hell is wrong with you?

Now, let's say Person B is not only fucking gorgeous, but also, the literal best at something that can be tangibly measured, say, a sprinter or gymnast. When a person like this is suppressed, it's obviously racism. People like this, of all colors (or lack thereof), ought to reach heights of social awareness due to their tangible greatness (this piece is, obviously, not-about the people who a society ought to make famous, etc.). This was not the case. For far too long, Globeaux Greatness has been suppressed, here, in these white United States. Why? Cause, like, white people are snowflakes. They literally throw a bitch fit when their kids don't win, so they created participation awards for their own kids. You think that these types of people are going to acknowledge actual greatness? What the hell is wrong with you? 

The thing is that Person A and Person B are being upheld as the same. 
And they are not the same. 

There's also this other thing about the types of gripes by some Person B types, and it sort of takes the form of, like, "I've always been amazing, but the White Spotlight won't shine on me until I'm the absolute BEST? And yet, mediocre white women are Spotlit all the time!"

First off, this is currently a white country. Like, generally speaking, people need to accept this. Yea, yea, but so many types of races built this country and the, "Whites won't give up their power!" 


Secondly, what's wrong with arriving at your BEST? 

You've officially become more powerful than the people around you, like duh? If the white "powers that be" finally have to go around and acknowledge your Globeaux Greatness, that means that you are more powerful than them. They need your power to spotlight their white selves, like duh! 

In the end, I suppose I'm growing sick and tired of certain minority groups of people continuing to equate fame with Power. &I feel like I will never understand them. It's similar to the way that I will never understand the black people who love, nay, revere japanese culture. Like seriously? You sound like the LGBTQ+ (&check out the hierarchy in these here letters! one imagines I'd be lambasted if I didn't order the letters properly, as if I couldn't possibly understand the community if I can't even remember the letters in order) community members fighting for palestine. You're uplifting, thereby aligning yourself with, those who would happily, overtly oppress you. Why?

The perfect irony of all of this is that no "normie" person on this planet could ever hope to possibly name the most powerful person on this planet. And the most-famous among us, celebrities, the ones we can all name by name, are powerless. The famous are not powerful; they are pawns. Don't get it twisted. 

darkness does not lack light
darkness is simply the shadow of someone or something blocking out the light
absorbing it all for them or itself
remove the person or the thing in the light's path
free the photons!
there're enough to share