&then, monday happened, week fifteen, day two.
while we were commuting, by foot, home from our jobs, the bodybuddy/lifemate was punched in the face by a homeless person. the guy sucker punched him. he walked up behind him; i didn't realize the guy was up to no good, until it was too late, &when the bodybuddy/lifemate turned to look in the direction i was directing him toward, the guy clocked the bodybuddy/lifemate in the face. he's fine. the inside of his lower lip was busted up enough to bleed, &then it became a whole thing with the police. the only other thing i will say on the matter is that a burly bystander, when hearing my plea to the gas station attendant to, "please call the police," ran right over to the guy and contained him until the police showed up. i skipped jobbing on tuesday.
i've traveled the world, literally, since i was three (two months shy of four) years old.
i've been lucky.
&it was strange to have a thing that like happen to us, here, but it was unsurprising, since we have lived here long enough to not-be surprised by something like this, &c.
it was during week fifteen that i had planned to poop out all of the writing that i needed to finish up the law school application, but i decided to tend to the bodybuddy/lifemate instead. it's an interesting situation, because he's a white guy, and we've lived here, like i've said, long enough to know what that means, here. he's been mulling the idea of maybe finding a job in whatever "solving homelessness" is called. he's been seriously considering homelessness, a lot, since we've moved here.
sometimes a cold, hard awakening is the right kind of awakening
so the end of this thing really came down to the wire on saturday, the last day of week fifteen.
i sat down at my computer and pooped out all of the in-application questions i needed to answer.
i answered "yes," on two questions, and thusly had to explain myself, &c.
&then, sunday, week sixteen, day one, i finally fucking pooped out my personal statement and resume *barf*
&it was at the completion of all of these pieces of writing when i realized why i had not been able to poop out another draft of my personal statement, here, on this site. what i realized is that i had to utilize the four pieces of writing to sketch out one larger story, and so, my mind had been chewing on what that story is/should be within the context of applying to law school.
what my mind revealed to me was, again, my purpose, my reason for even going to law school.
&what is that reason?
in short, i've experienced an extreme amount of experiences for the average person, and these experiences have given me a perspective on life &living that is not the same perspective as those most-common perspectives around us. these experiences have also instilled in me this idea that i should do things for others. i have a long history of volunteering my time. i also have a long history of hourly-wage labor.
i've jobbed at three companies in two different locations; meaning, i've jobbed for a company and then transferred, within that company, to a different location, three times.
i'm also a dancer, artist, and writer.
the thing i realized i was back-burning was a cohesive story of my life (as if) with the four different areas where i have the opportunity to write.
&so i did.
&since i don't know where "the line" is with regards to the university's stance on sharing specific application questions, i can't just upload my personal statement, solo. it wouldn't make much sense. i mean, maybe it would, but i think that it wouldn't be read "correctly" without being able to read my entire application, in whole. my resume, however, is basically already uploaded here. i don't outline my specific odd jobs in that timeline, but maybe i should?
&so, all of the shit for the application was "complete" on sunday, the first day of week sixteen, &then i went to my fucking job for monday.
on monday morning, after jobbing all night, the bodybuddy/lifemate helped me proofread all of the writing portions, &we read &reread the thing, like, as many times as it took until i quit &said, "Enough! There's nothing more I can do!" i uploaded the required documents, paid the fees,
&there's nothing more anti-climatic than submitting something really serious online.
that was it.
it was done.
i barely survived tuesday, &then, while at my job on wednesday, i checked my email around 0530 and saw an 0400 email announcing that the LSAT scores were released. i, obviously, didn't check at my job, &so, when i got home, i couldn't check, for like a few hours. i just couldn't. i just didn't want to know, but i had to confirm that all of the finalized reporting went through &that my application was complete.
as soon as i logged in, my score was right on the landing page.
the reason why i crammed the LSAT in so soon was simply so that i could apply by the "Priority Deadline," so that i could be considered for merit-based scholarships, because my GPA (supposedly) qualifies me for some merit-based scholarships but only in conjunction with a high LSAT score.
i decided before i looked at my score whether or not i would share my score online. i ultimately decided that if i got a "bad" score, i wouldn't want to share it, which means that if i got a "good" score, i shouldn't share it either. if i got a "good" score, i would want to share it, then i would have to share a "bad" score, too.
i opted for the not-sharing option.
if you've started to tune into this here broadcast just to find out my LSAT score, you can go fuck yourself.
i will say this, however, i knew it would be a long shot for me to get a high LSAT score. i did not do well enough for any merit-based scholarships. &i constantly have to remind myself that i am a full-time overnight manager for a 24-hour grocery store. i had planned on simply applying by the official may deadline, but with the opportunity of a merit-based scholarship, i pushed it. if i had waited until may, i also wouldn't have received a merit-based scholarship, because the deadline would've passed, and so, i had to make a decision. i could study a few more months and probably get a higher LSAT score, but miss the scholarship deadline, or i could risk a lower score to rush-study before the deadline.
either way, it looks like the merit-based scholarship is not for me *weeps*
all of the other aspects of my application were done, over a decade ago. aside from my letter of recommendation from my current boss, everything on my application i did fifteen years ago, including the letter of recommendation from my past professor and past camp coordinator when i was a volunteer counselor for korean heritage camp.
i realized that, since i couldn't care less (generally speaking) about standardized testing, was working on an eight-week timeline, while jobbing full-time, i had a ceiling for my test score. thus, my personal statement needed to cover a lot of ground. i needed to flesh out what i've been up to for the past decade, but it's a lot of stuff, &so, organizing it all seemed to be the hardest part of it, after all. luckily it all congealed into a nice solid shit on time *lifts left eyebrow*
to dig up my entire life to present it to be judged by a committee approving me for some thing
anyway, i confirmed, on wednesday, that my application was complete, and that was that.
i guess that this particular volume of logs is officially complete as well.
i imagine that the post about whether or not i will be attending law school in the fall will be a thing of its own.
&so, until then, sail on *peace*
ordered some loose-leaf tea from an instagram friend's new business *swoon* for myself & a cojobber i placed the order sometime last week &it arrived on tuesday like a present |