03 November 2024

When known data exist about the correlation b/t women's equity and domestic violence, that 'Julia Roberts' set of ads seems like very libtarded messaging brought to us by the party 'for women,' cause if you think about both the messaging and the message of these ads, it's quite simple to see that the Libtard Left has given these magamen a target if/when Harris takes the Oval, &that target is THE WIVES OF THESE MAGAMEN. Like. Duh. Like, how fucking libtarded does a party have to be to think that this type of ad-messaging is 'good' for the country? Fuck you! You don't care about the well-being of women, &now it's #facts &I'm sending out my sincerest apologies to the women out there who are already suffering at the hands of violent men. I'm very sorry for the ignorance of the Libtards. I understand why you would not join them. They are not Empowering you. They are Targeting you. &I'm very, very sorry.