Alright, so, let's just go on and take this back to high school.
Why, Ladybug?! Why?!
Why am I the only person on this entire planet who is suffering?!?!?
High School was probably the last time that any of the Democratic Leadership had the semblance of exposure to "everyday" (average/normal/mediocre) people. This is facts (and it is also facts for the majority of the republican leaders, but this is not about them, cause, let's be real, despite their Elitism, they managed to convince the polity that they are not-Elitists).
High School is also where EVERY AMERICAN was socialized, excepting the weirdos who are/were homeschooled, and I call them weird not as a personal attack about each individual homeschooler being weird, but that it's abnormal to be homeschooled compared to school schooled, etc.
Don't lie. You can spot a homeschooler from a mile away, cause like, they weren't socialized the way the rest of us were. Sometimes, however, those who never finished high school present like homeschoolers, so be warned.
In these United States, ALL OF US must attend school until we're, what?, sixteen?, fifteen?, something like that or whatever (this is not my point, cause) my point is that we are all on a similar wavelength when it comes to the societal landscape of high school. High school can stand in as a reference point of the Everyday American's Social Life.
And I'd argue that even those privileged few who only attend private institutions of education are equally attuned to the specific social dynamics of high school, but they would also be considered weird as they do not represent the majority of the way that United Statesians are educated, through high school, etc.
So, let's go there.
It's whatever year it was when you were a freshman.
The Seniors are battling for Student Body President.
One of the seniors is a complete joke, barely passing their classes, borderline criminal, but they're popular, cause they're socially adept.
One of the seniors is literally the class Valedictorian, so yea, everyone knows who they are, but popular is not how one would describe them, because their friends are books.
The Social Senior goes about their antics, doing whatever, saying whatever, rousing the people, being popular.
The Super Senior goes around explaining to everyone how the social senior lacks qualifications, is an idiot, is gross, is terrible.
The Social Senior spends all of their time with the other students, launching bottle rockets after school, maybe even spritzing a bit of graffiti with the rebels; they obviously accomplish nothing of any substance, but the students get to interact with the Social Senior on their terms, on their turf.
The Super Senior hosts events that require tickets, that educate the "ignorant masses" about democracy, meritocracy, and hierarchy, basically equating them all to each other, while knowingly knowing that one of these is not like the other, while simultaneously making promises that all three things represent equality.
The Social Senior entertains.
The Super Senior lectures.
The Social Senior convinces everyone that they are of them.
The Super Senior convinces everyone that they are above them.
Campaigns are not about the Truth.
If they were about the Truth, the best person would win.
Campaigns are fundamentally about the people who either will or will not choose you.
If they were about the campaigner, the best person would win.
Campaigns are about finding someone to represent you.
Campaigns are not about finding the best person who can do the job.
And so, when the illiterate Social Senior walks up on stage and the students overwhelmingly feel as if this person represents them, WHY WOULD THE SUPER SENIOR WALK ONTO AN OPPOSING STAGE AND SAY, "BUT THE SOCIAL SENIOR IS SO STUPID"?
*slaps palm to face*
I've grown overwhelmingly tired of the [race redacted] women on social media who have taken it upon themselves to educate EVERYONE about EVERYTHING. Not only that, they DEMAND that you do what they say. This is honestly why I left social media.
How do I know?
They post some mediocre bullshit on their socials, and then, when someone more literate than them genuinely asks a follow-up or clarification question, they shit all over them with accusations of racism, punctuated by the command to, "READ IT AGAIN."
This is trickle down socializing from the top.
I've said it before, and I'll say it as many times as I need until I feel like someone of any sort of significance has heard me say this thing I'm about to say.
WHEN A FORMER FIRST LADY WALKS UP ONTO A STAGE AND DECLARES THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES A "Black Job," this outcry trickles down into the societal masses. Some will flock toward the idea, more will flock away. Not to mention that a statement like this IS SUPREMELY FUCKING RACIST!
Since there was absolutely ZERO backlash, all I can assume is that this mentality has been adopted by everyone who looks like the specific former first lady who uttered these moronic words in front of the ENTIRE MAJORITY-NOT-BLACK AMERICAN POLITY WEEKS BEFORE A FORTHCOMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.
This is also Elitism.
Honestly, I did not want the Democrats to win this cycle. I obviously couldn't vote for The Idiot, but I also did not want to vote for Kamala, but I sucked it up and did the "right" thing. And honestly, I'm relieved they lost so magnificently. And the irony that they have now been "woke" to the nature of this country is just so deliciously satisfying to me.
Yes, things are going to get markedly worse, but at least we're not stuck in the mud-trap of two bickering parties. One side won, fair and square, and so, we are all going to be suffering in this nightmare together, again, and the everyday-american Supporters of The Idiot will suffer the most, ironically enough.
But at least we've finally put to death the Libtards, at least for the moment.
All I can hope is that they can somehow reach for true wokeness over these next four years, as opposed to digging even deeper into their un-democratic, un-meritocratic, Elitist DEI.
DEI initiatives seek to create diverse representation
by forcing the inclusion of variously superficial markers of diversity!
The Libtards are simply creating a NEW HIERARCHY, with the Colored People (linguistically there is absolutely no difference between saying "People of Color" and "Colored People," if you believe otherwise, you are libtarded) and Sexually-Marginalized People (what?) at the top of the hierarchy as opposed to the bottom. THAT'S IT! This is their precious DEI ... more hierarchy ... hierarchy that suits them ... not the dismantling of it.
How do I know?
Every person who is (was) considered "Democratic Leadership" took some stage at some point during this campaign and spoke to us as if they are the "best person" to lead us.
The Democrats are not AMONG US. They are ABOVE US. It is their "duty" to show us how to be BETTER, which, naturally, means that THEY ARE BETTER THAN US, this is how they can "show us the way."
The thing about Democracy, which one would think the Democrats are all about, is that Democracy favors the majority. At least it ought to. And so, the intense focus of the Democrats on issues that are NOT THE MOST-SIGNIFICANT FACTORS FOR THE MAJORITY OF ALL PEOPLE means that the Democrats have zero interest in representing THE MAJORITY. Hypocrites!
[Figurative&Ideological] Death to the Hypocrites!
[end note] as a petty endnote, i wanted the democrats to lose the day t-swiff endorsed kamala, just fyi. cause like, if you didn't know that "celebrities" are also Elitists, like what the fuck do you think about all day? when was the last time a "celebrity" did anything for you? most of the ones who showed up to these events didn't even entertain you, the literal thing that supposedly "qualifies" them for a national political stage. BAHAHAHA! these Libtards literally think that celebrity endorsements matter, all while shitting all over billionaires, like how fucking gross, what fucking hypocrites. and honestly, i will even go so far as to say this next bit: there was even one perfect moment when even i managed to be able to be on the same low intellectual plane as drumpf. the day he declared to all the world that, "I hate Taylor Swift," was the day i was so grateful that someone, anyone fucking said that shit out loud. obviously, this sort of thing does not make someone a good president, but it does make someone a good campaigner, and as we now know, being president and campaigning for president are two completely different skill sets.