08 October 2024

Threadless Thought-Thinking

The Right has moved Bat-Shit Right
The Left has moved Right
Which means that The Center
is good old fashioned Republican
There is no good-old-fashioned-republican candidate

some people are just. no. fun.

the most ironic part
about the Libtard Left
is that the Libtard Left
&the Bat-Shit Right
are two sides of the same coin
a coin that cannot live with the idea
to "live and let live"

"BUT THEY ATTACKED US FIRST!" both sides bicker.

As we exit "White Saviorism"
a Black Savior rises
to rid the world
ironically enough
of Whiteness

It's become blatantly obvious
that the Whites and the Blacks
are bedfellows


The Korean "Vegan" (like, she eats eggs *iroll*)
who denounces White Supremacy
while exercising Western Chauvinism
cause I'll bet 1,000-to-1
that she has little to no idea what "Chinese" means
her worshipers "defend" her

the Rich getting richer does not mean that the Poor must get poorer
the europeans supposedly understand this
whether or not they do is beyond me
cause why would i want to live in the literal and figurative
Old World?

But you're supposed to "uplift" women.
We're supposed to "empower" women.
&The only people who can "empower" people
are those with power
Yet all these social-media types DO
is bicker about how powerless they are
&People follow them...
the powerless
Cause, for some fucked-up reason
they think that social-media followers equals Power

Nobody wants to hear you until they want to be near you 
Nobody want to hear you unless they want to be near you
Nobody wants to hear you even if they are near you
Nobody wants to hear you
&Nobody should weigh in on your life
(unless you're harming them, duh, &even then, control becomes a trick of the hypocritical)

You know what other type of person seeks Followers?
Cult Leaders
like the Pope
So, really
it's no wonder
that a nation full of "christ-followers"
would worship and glorify
anything that has Followers

The ones aspiring to a christ-like following
are the real drag
on contemporary society
if you ask me
which you won't
cause like
nobody asks to be bitch-slapped
in my experience

If you think that I'm talking to you
I'm not
If you know that I am
I am

[search description]
$un $ailor thinks that Threads is stupid but also kinda fun
&since she's a writer who writes
she finds Threads to be, that Kiese Laymon word, meager.