aka tkcamas, angstydaisy, amateurtattletale, ladypolarity, &c. ... "esse quam videri" ... described colloquially as a time traveler's life-log while navigating this brief (encompassing that which does not exceed a singular lifetime) hiatus from the cosmic time tide of nonlinear time travel, upon this rock called Earth as it sails around a star named Sun, a name, oddly enough, that is my alien name in this foreign language, and so, "nullius in verba"
27 October 2024
The same Libtards* (&or their same libtarded-thinking) who LOST the Hillary Jab for President are the same Libtards (&or same libtarded-thinkers) who are running the Kamala Jab for President into the same casket in which the Hillary Jab for President was buried.
19 October 2024
when the next chapter, finally, gets its title ...
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that which was "In My Bag" for a campus tour of the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa which included a tour by a current law student &a visit to a first-year class [from top left around clockwise] writing utensil case mask flip phone + earbuds wifi-only phone wet wipes Holo card the 아저씨 a notebook |
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after the tour on thursday we had a meeting with admissions on friday &on the morning of the meeting with admissions my college transcript arrived confirming my undergrad graduating gpa &the "morning" (we awake at night) after (today) i awoke to an email from my old undergrad sculpture professor at baylor university (attended from years 2004-2007) confirming that he can/will write me a letter of recommendation ¬ only that he still has my "wrapped object" piece &shows it to his students ^..^ since everything is not only falling into place effortlessly but also quickly it's a go on applying to law school &so ONWARD WE GO! next stop a solid score on a standardized test *sigh* [the reasons why this law school in particular suits my needs &appeals to me greatly will be discussed at a later time through drafts of my personal statement that i will obviously upload here as i write them] |
15 October 2024
Good Job, Simu! It's so refreshing to hear about an Asian supporting, defending, and uplifting Asian-ness. There is an obvious American race-group that believes that they are the only victims of "cultural appropriation," but the reality is that Asians and Asian-ness have been culturally appropriated far more intensely and far more explicitly with zero backlash. And this same race-group pretends like Asians and Asian-ness does not exist even as they also culturally appropriate our culture *vomits*
How do I know?
The Democratic Nominee is "Black" even though she is mixed-raced, and was raised by her South-Asian MOTHER and an "absent Black father," but yes, Kamala is "Black," not Asian, according to them. But by their own definition, Kamala is NOT Black, cause she wasn't born to or raised by a Black Woman. At least, that's why Drake's not Black. And yet, they are all obviously leaning into this "Black" Nominee, as opposed to the "Asian" nominee, because it suits them for Kamala to be Black ... the First Black Woman President. Sounds nice, if you're a Black Woman. It would sound even better, if she were just a WOMAN.
But Kamala isn't a woman, she's a Black Woman.
And she identifies as a Black Woman for that "powerful" Black Vote.
Let's find out if this is Truth or Consequence, shall we?
Apparently, it is upon a thick white shaft thrusting a big black tip that will climax us into the Future.
The idea that sticks and stones break bones but that words cannot hurt thee is absolutely absurd.
There is language (the specific way that certain groups use words) within these "Christopher Columbus" headlines that use very dangerous language, for instance, saying things like, "Columbus was secretly Jewish" is dangerous language, if you are Jewish. And I get this now. I'm not sure why this particular example really resonated with me, but a lot of "credible" news outlets are using language just like this to describe the DNA results that may or may not even be real or accurate.
The sensationalism. He was secretly a Jew. I mean, maybe, but we ought not place any sort of intention on a being that lived hundreds of years ago. It's more likely that "Christopher Columbus" didn't even know what his ethnic/genetic makeup was, cause we are talking about a primitive peoples, a past none of us could accurately imagine.
And so, to use the kind of language positioning "Christopher Columbus" in some sort of deceptive light because the DNA being attributed to him maybe means that "Christopher Columbus" was a descendant of Jewish people, contributes to the anti-semitic notions about the "Nature of the Jew," etc.
And this is dangerous language, if you are Jewish.
Kamala continues to bash the Bat-Shit Right's Idiot while continuing to not-define herself. I guess she took a page from the leader of the Libtards, Obama *lol*
All I know is that she loves guns and has absolutely zero, none, zilch in the way of "new ideas" with regards to the Future. She's a continuation of Obama/Biden policies. She refuses to admit it. Why can't she admit that the President is a vessel? And honestly, she makes a good vessel. She will listen to other Global Leaders. She will participate as the most powerful person on Earth. She will be able to see everyone's point of view ... theoretically. But she will not lean into these strengths of hers ... the strengths she possesses AS A WOMAN, BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN.
They are leaning away from the fact that she might be the FIRST FEMALE WOMAN PRESIDENT IN UNITED STATESIAN HISTORY.
And will anyone even call her "Madame President"?
Cause that's sexist.
And the Libtards do not tolerate sexism, according to them.
And yet, it is her SEX that makes her the first of her kind to do what she's maybe about to do.
Without her SEXUAL ORIENTATION BEING THAT OF A WOMAN, she's absolutely nothing exceptional, different or first. Like, Duh.
According to them, they cannot (or ought not) even define her as the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT.
Cause that's SEXIST.
This is why I call the Liberals, Libtards. They are retarded in the most retarded sense *sigh*
And I feel very frustrated.
Really? I don't have any sort of anything in economics, and I could've told you why rich countries are rich and poor countries are poor. Literally doesn't take a genius to see the world the way that it is, and yet, three men are being awarded for basically saying (in so many words), "If the White people had to kill you and your people, they were able to establish their own White institutions on top of your peoples' corpses. If they didn't have to kill you and your people, they just enslaved you and your people but did not better your or your peoples' lives in any way."
Where's my "award"?
If you do not understand that what we're watching (in "realish time") is the bickering between a "king" of these oh-so-contemporary times and a "prince" who will never be "king," but who believes that they should not only exist as equals but also, be seen as such, or whatever. I don't actually care about any of this, for reasons stated above, and cause, their Elitist-wives, obviously, support their bickering Elitist-husbands and their elitist worldviews.
13 October 2024
CUBE, SQUARED | where everything ends up just as it was
"No, it's a portal," Ladybug explains.
"Why?" Squirrel asks.
"What do you mean, why?" Ladybug scoffs.
"Why is it a portal?" Squirrel attempts to clarify.
"How could I know such a thing?" Ladybug laughs.
"Okay, so it's a portal," Squirrel reiterates.
"Yes," Ladybug confirms.
"To where?" Squirrel eye-rolls.
"To when," Ladybug corrects.
"To when? Why?" Squirrel shrugs.
"Ugh, you are intolerable," Ladybug laments.
"You're intolerable!" Squirrel shouts.
"It's a time portal," Ladybug re-reiterates.
"Okay! Wher—WHEN ... does? it go?" Squirrel mumbles.
"Whoever steps through the portal ends up right back at the moment before they stepped in it," Ladybug explains.
"Wha—what? Why? How?" Squirrel stammers.
Ladybug deploys its wings and buzzes itself right in front of the face of Squirrel and slaps him, "Shut up! Shut! Up!"
What type of Voter attends without being invited? The Asian Voter.
Between Michelle's adorable implication that the U.S. Presidency is a "Black Job" and Barack's masculine calls for "Black Men" to vote, it's becoming abundantly clear that unless you are Black or White, this election cycle is not for or about you, which is oddly hilarious considering the mixed-raced nature of the Democratic Nominee, lol.
Nobody on the National Platform is speaking to me, so I guess nobody needs or wants my vote *shrug*
&It's funny, cause although Asians aren't really a large enough voting block to "matter," WE VOTE, and in local elections, being Asian does matter.
It's like that time I wondered-aloud when this thing was just getting started last summer, "We're all just going to pretend like the popular vote counts this time?"
Anyway, thanks, Obama, actually both Obamas and Kamala, the New-Black Oppressors, for leaving us out! We, officially, owe you nothing.
As an Asian Woman, I'm here to invite any &all people of Asian descent to VOTE LOCAL!
Let's be real. Your Presidential vote DOES NOT MATTER.
Teams Kamala and Obama have made that VERY CLEAR.
Nevertheless, historically speaking, ASIANS VOTE!
Where the Asian-Vote matters is at the LOCAL LEVEL.
Asians are pandered to at the LOCAL LEVEL, so VOTE LOCAL!
Despite being told that the U.S. Presidency is a "Black Job," there are a lot of OTHER GOVERNMENT POSITIONS available to us Asians, and frankly, we win *clap.clap.clap.*
So, as an Asian-American, don't feel bad this election cycle that you're not invited into the decision-making for the Presidency. It's obvious, now, that we are a rising threat to the Whiteness being inherited by Blackness.
I'M INVITING YOU TO VOTE LOCAL! Let the Whites and the Blacks bicker about the Presidency.
Local Power IS Power in These United States, and honestly, Asians already know this, so really, I'm simply reminding those who maybe forgot or who feel too left out cause nobody is inviting you in.
As Asians, we do not have to care about the Presidential Vote...so, skip it
08 October 2024
Threadless Thought-Thinking
The Left has moved Right
Which means that The Center
is good old fashioned Republican
the most ironic part
is that the Libtard Left
&the Bat-Shit Right
are two sides of the same coin
a coin that cannot live with the idea
to "live and let live"
05 October 2024
I am, unfortunately, familiar with 'The Substance' that is depicted in the movie THE SUBSTANCE (co-produced, written&directed by Coralie Fargeat)
01 October 2024
Night-Run Log (sometimes sunrise)
&The Moon Follows
As they make their way up the beach, the reflection of the moon off the ocean telescopes with them.
As they make their way down the beach, the reflection of the moon off the ocean telescopes with them.
As they make their way out onto the rocky point, the reflection of the moon off the ocean telescopes with them.
No Moon
There was no moon tonight.
&As we edged around the rocky point where the sea splashes upon shore, a sliver of the moon shone in the Light to Day.
There is no ombré like sunrise ombré.
The Light is on its way to Day
&It does not stop for boarding
Cause you're already on board.
The Lingerers are spilling our secrets to someone, somewhere, but we cannot decipher to whom they spill our secrets.
You can bribe them with wet or dry food; they each have their own preference.
High Tide &The Moon Overhead
Low Tide &The Moon Set
Splash Tide &The Moon Over-Yonder
Rip Tide &The Moon
Watching the sunrise, on a regular basis, is how she learned to understand what "Incremental Growth" means.
Sunsets, oddly enough, never taught her any lessons.
A Single Photon in the Light of the Moon
Photons in the Light of the Moon
The Light of the Moon &Its Photons
Hit Me with Your Photons
My Photons are Stronger than Yours
I have more of them.
Explain to me what a photon IS
If you don't know, don't guess.
Explain to me what fire IS
If you don't know, don't guess.
She finds it difficult to describe ... the indescribable
&Trying can sometimes be the worst-kind of insult to the thing indescribable.
I'm Alive
&The Moon Follows