29 September 2024

Mediocre Money-Minds &As A Consumer

*sits down at laptop*
"Okay, deep breath. Wait, one sec. I think I need one, more, bowl."
*scrape scrape scrape*
*crinkle crinkle crinkle*
*puff puff puff*
*bubbs bubbs bubbs*

*while holding a deep pull in my lungs*
"Okay, so there's like a ton of shit I want/need to talk/write about, cause I just watched an amazing movie, been watching an amazing tv show, and like, americans are so fucking un-american sometimes."
*eyeroll as I exhale*

"Where the fuck to begin."
*hangs head*

On McDonald's (MCD)

The people who have mediocre money-minds think of McDonald's and think of their shitty food. People with greedy money-minds think of McDonald's as the greatest bastion to american capitalism to have ever existed, not only that, but also, McDonald's represents capitalism, a sort of ... metaphor or ... cautionary tale. People with better money-minds can see all of the sides of McDonald's. Of course, McDonald's is not the "best" food, but it is food, and it feeds a lot of people trapped within systemic poverty. Of course, McDonald's is a corporation, but it is also a charity (yes, charities suck, but they are all we have, at the moment, etc.), and that charity does good within communities trapped within systemic poverty. Of course, McDonald's "exploits" its workers, but they are also sometimes the only employer in places trapped within system poverty. 

There are some people who view McDonald's as a drag on our "perfect" american society.

&There are some people who view McDonald's as the provider of basic civil services, in a country that has supported the privatization of basic civil services. If the government will not provide basic civil services, this does not mean that some corporation needs to step in and do so. &Just because a corporation ends up being the provider of basic civil services does not mean that that corporation is the reason why government-funded basic civil services do not exist in these places where McDonald's serves as the provider of basic civil services.

On Walmart (WMT)

The people who have mediocre money-minds read headlines about how Walmart exploits all of its jobbers, because they pay minimum wage and minimum wage is exploitation low, and they believe that Walmart is a "bad" corporation. These sorts of people do not shop at Walmart, because if they did, they would notice that every Walmart entrance is lined with the elderly. Elderly people who are living off social security, and who are healthy enough to have a job, have the opportunity to make a little extra cash at Walmart. Yes, the pay is low, because why would any corporation pay anything at all for people to simply greet you into their store? Oh, I know, luxury shops, that's about it. So, Walmart has created a position of the lowest wage for seniors and elderly people to cushion their social security. 

Everyone bitches that Walmart doesn't pay enough, in general, and, generally speaking, no wage-labor-based corporation pays their jobbers equitably, that's facts, but Walmart is and has been making changes for a long time. They are trying to shift their focus to have a slightly greater interest in its job-force. The reality, however, is that the overall economic powers-that-be have been lying to us all for a long time. Walmart is not a place to go looking for a high-paying job. It just isn't. It never has been, and it really shouldn't ever be. Stocking shelves is not difficult. There should be a pay ceiling that should incrementally rise with inflation, but nobody should be looking at these types of jobs to "get rich." And there simply will never be enough "high-paying" jobs for the masses. Like, duh. 

Nevertheless, the discrepancy in pay between the suits and the polos ought not be so large. Like, duh. 

And finally, everyone bitches that the minimum wage is so low, but why are corporations solely responsible for our financial well-being? Nobody's bitching too loudly that we're not supported more fully as humans by our own government. In fact, there's a significant population who stands vehemently against any government-supported anything. Like, you a moron?

You loathe these All-American brands and resent what they represent,
yet you tout Shein and Temu?
How un-american of you.

On Agatha 

Actually, this post is about, oh my god, this is exactly why I love her, I can't even think of her name, right now, she's so low-key famous, like a serious jobbing actress; it's so fucking beautiful to know that there's a woman out there who just has the job of acting. Ugh. I love it.


I just absolutely love that she's "just" been acting as her job! She's one of those exponential growth curves. And the one role I associate with her the most is as Jennifer Barkley. Oh my god. I love that character, and it's, obviously, because of Hahn. She's dynamite. She's a power-hungry, child-free woman. My role model. She's so boldly power-hungry AND so boldly child-free. What more could a woman like me ask for as far as representation is concerned? Nothing. I am in want for nothing more. Kathryn Hahn solidified herself in my mind as the One who represents the woman I aspire to be...that Bad Bitch who does not give a fuck. *swoon*

And now, she's fucking Agatha Harkness (do not read this as my knowing anything about the character of Agatha Harkness; i am not that kind of geek, gross; i am that horrible-type whose entire comics-knowledge is whatever Marvel is feeding the masses, and thereby, me, and there's no need to educate me, cause i just don't care like that; i am the worst, i know).

She's one Baaaad Witch. Ugh. I can't stop swwwwooooning. Again, she's representing all of my best qualities. I feel so fulfilled. And she better not be some sorta redemption character who learns some sort of moral lesson at the end of this and becomes "better." Ugh. Goddammit. Now I've ruined it for myself. *sigh*

Well, we're still early into this thing, so, like all things, the Time Tide knows best.

On The Substance (co-produced, written&directed by Coralie Fargeat)

This will be its own post, soonish [05OCT24], but I thought that I'd jot down some "First Feelings," etc. 

My initial reaction, at the end, was that I do not appreciate the grotesque. I find it to be lazy, trite, and frankly, gross. Then I went to sleep. Then I woke up thinking about the Movie, because I had a revelation about myself. This is the thing about which I will write in a post dedicated entirely to the Movie

And then the bodybuddy/lifemate&i had a long chat about the Movie
And then we had a hypothetical chat about the Movie
And then I realized that I want/need to write an entire post about the Movie
which means that The Substance is a really, really good movie.