The Captainas metaphorfor a nation torn(by whiteness)"I thinkthereforeI am"**The Mind-Pathof theIndependent Thinkerthe DangerThe Transracialbereftof identityThe Mother(land)penetratedby forceThe Mindonce freedcannot travel backwardsManthe Morpheusto the Captain's NeoHow can you not see?What is right in front of thee?It's not fair to say in frontwhen the location is withinThe Insidescannot be seenonly feltThe MindThe HowThe NowNothingnot Nothing-nessfor to knowNothingis to knowEverythingThe Hubriswithin the Mindsof dictators&presidentsDemocracyorDemocratize?NormalcyorNormalize?The Remembranceto forever rememberthat Nothingmatters
*until i read the book, of course.