whisper whisper knowledge, whisper knowledge, whisper whisper knowledge
whisper whisper prosperity, whisper prosperity, whisper whisper prosperity
whisper whisper long life, whisper long life, whisper whisper long life
whisper whisper success, whisper success, whisper whisper success
whisper whisper peace, whisper peace, whisper whisper peace
[Untitled] Light Paintings IV.II |
the primary colors plus green, cause there's a case—there's always a case—to be made that the color green possesses properties that are wholly unique, color-wise (and more, according to, well, Ladybug, obviously), etc.
the five pillars of wisdom, because knowledge that does not bring about prosperity, long life, success, and peace is useless (luck or the lack thereof excepted).
for an entire week it rained
and then it rained more
they're taught, from a young age, how to decorate the tree,
put up the lights,
dress up the fireplace,
and then,
at some point, they learn
that christmas isn't free,
and then, the free gift of love is so rarely gifted
that the job of reminding them of what
the True meaning of a sham celebration IS
is left to the entertainment industry,
and that seems, hypocritical somehow,
until they realize that the true meaning of christmas
is love
the love of consumerism.
jingle bells, jingle bells
another dollar made
santa came and took it from you
cause that's how santa's paid