13 October 2024

CUBE, SQUARED | where everything ends up just as it was

"No, it's a portal," Ladybug explains. 

"Why?" Squirrel asks.

"What do you mean, why?" Ladybug scoffs.

"Why is it a portal?" Squirrel attempts to clarify.

"How could I know such a thing?" Ladybug laughs.

"Okay, so it's a portal," Squirrel reiterates.

"Yes," Ladybug confirms.

"To where?" Squirrel eye-rolls.

"To when," Ladybug corrects.

"To when? Why?" Squirrel shrugs.

"Ugh, you are intolerable," Ladybug laments.

"You're intolerable!" Squirrel shouts.

"It's a time portal," Ladybug re-reiterates.

"Okay! Wher—WHEN ... does? it go?" Squirrel mumbles.

"Whoever steps through the portal ends up right back at the moment before they stepped in it," Ladybug explains.

"Wha—what? Why? How?" Squirrel stammers.

Ladybug deploys its wings and buzzes itself right in front of the face of Squirrel and slaps him, "Shut up! Shut! Up!"

[end note] 
this "magazine" CUBE, SQUARED is a creation that exists within my first book, Red & Blue Make Green, &i opened a copy of that book yesterday, &in it, i re-read the tagline that i wrote for the "magazine" ten years ago, &i laughed out loud. i laughed for quite some time, actually, &then the bodybuddy/lifemate&i had a conversation theorizing what any of it could possibly mean, &the above is the direction that i've decided to take it, at least for the moment, lol.
there are two pieces for the "magazine" in the Book ::
"On Her Back" by EV Maddox pp 59-67
& "Fringe Tassel Accused of Unethically 'Loving Local'" by UR.us pp 110-113