26 August 2024

some things have not changed, &so some old thoughts on the same stuff, cause, despite the fact that i want to write something new about all of this, i have nothing new or more to say *shrug*

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re America, the Land of the Woefully Ignorant

If you are a rational (not even logical, merely rational) human being, you innately understand that one cannot be both anti-abortion—"The Churchstate makes it very clear how one does and does not enter 'Heaven'"—and anti-vaxx—"Tell the Churchstate that it's My Body, My Choice!"

You either believe or you do not believe, and under those conditions one does or does not enter the "Kingdom of Heaven," according to all of you, White-Jesus Subscribers. 

(these are not my words! they're yours, if you subscribe to White Jesus!)

All of this wishy-washy religiousness of White Jesus is so ... what's the word ... hypocritical. And I think that hypocrisy is frowned upon by the Church, but so are a lot of things that I see White-Jesus Subscribers routinely do. Nevertheless,   

The overwhelming majority of Americans are overwhelmingly un[der]educated. This makes this country particularly susceptible—an Achilles Heel of the mind—to any number of threats. The everyday American citizen equates the largely successful Elitist Capitalism-As-Usual Rulers who built this country into the greatest monument to Capitalism, in all it's glorious dependence upon the exploitation of the masses, as a reflection of their own competence/awesomeness. For all it's worshipful praise of the Individual, the individual is largely irrelevant here in These United States. They are, after all, a mass of people who are intentionally stripped of any meaningful education, equipped with zero capacity to rise out of their wage-labor, hourly-worker status, and then they are told that they deserve more all while the Elitist Capitalism-As-Usual Rulers enslave more and more consumers to credit/mortgage/car payments until they die, in the name of Growth, the bottom line, in essence, Greed as God.  

Be not fooled. I am no Democrat. I believe in a form of democracy, but I am no supporter of Mob Rule. I am, however, hugely supportive of an educated population, ruled by Meritocracy with a sprinkling of Central Planning. A country needs to have long-term goals—a Future. When I look at this Land of the Ignorant I do not see a future, and I only see economic slaves, everywhere. Everyone here is economically enslaved, but the particularly insidious nature of American Economic Slavery is that Americans, as a whole, believe that they are not only free, but also, they believe that they are entitled to wealth.

It is this duality that fuels their (seemingly) willing enslavement. Credit provides the means by which they may fulfill their entitlement of "owning" a house, car, and large-screen TV, while the "job" provides the means by which they can payback their debtors, one month at a time, until they die. This is also what pumps the breaks on any Government Assistance. Everything must be privatized in order for the Elitist Capitalism-As-Usual Rulers to gain total control. Don't get it twisted. These United States is no Democracy, for we are, undoubtedly, living under Totalitarian Rule, or more politely, Tyranny. These United States are, first and foremost, Ruled By Money, and we love it. 

Even those directly suffering from Rule By Money continue to subscribe to the Dream, because in America, anyone, anyone at all, can "make it big," may "HOPE," must "Pay to Play." We all want to Play, and we know that in America the cards are stacked against us. We all know this. But we also all know that some of us get lucky. Some of us rise up and out. But there must exist this lowest tier, the lowest class from which to rise, or the Dream dies; we all wake up and realize that this is no Dream at all. 

And so, waking up through rational thought is, quite literally, the Enemy of the Churchstate. Your mind, our minds, our collective intelligence, is the Enemy of those in Power. 

Come as you are, unless you are uneducated. The uneducated citizens of this Land of the Ignorant are eaten up every day by the System. What makes you think that you can survive here? These United States lure YOU with a roll of the dice, but do not support your survival. Arrive to Play, cause those who were born here do not even understand that a Game is being played, that they are an integral part of making this whole Dream come alive. 

Play the Game and Live Free or Die someone else's pawn. Either way, you're going to die. There are other great places to Play the Game of Capitalism, but America truly is Number One, at least, for the moment.

[end quote] 

Originally published 12Jul22 within the post entitled
"In Good Company with White Yoga Murderers, I mean Instructors;