Here's the thing about Racism. It absolutely does exist, obviously, but I think that the general public has sort of lost sense of what it means, what it is.
Because humanity is so primitive in this "twenty-first" century, we are still a tribal sort of people. The things that make us different are a threat as opposed to an overall strength for our species. We see the "pointing at" of the various strengths and weaknesses of other races as racism, the bad kind, when in reality, it is a very good thing that there exists various types of peoples, all over the world, with DIFFERING skills, priorities, strengths, and weaknesses.
This is a big world we live in.
This is an even bigger universe that we're a part of.
And then this is when I get yelled at about how I consistently tread into eugenics territory, etc.
Nevertheless, there's nothing wrong with the fact that, these days, the asians are perceived as the culture that upholds the intellect. For all of white human history, it was the jews who were the reigning scholars, and thus, the reigning threat. Today, the united states' greatest threat is, obviously, china, the upholders of academic achievement, the ruthless representatives of a true meritocracy. The joke, obviously, is that this is how stupid white people are. The whites think that all of this scholarly effort is a new idea for the chinese! Excuse me, but we're talking about a culture that must understand TWO languages in order to know how to effectively communicate in the singular language of their birth. If you do not know to what I am referring, it is this stupidity within you, yes, you, dear reader, about which I currently speak.
Asians are being discriminated against because the emphasis of their intellect, as a cultural whole, their cultural morality being definitively tied to their intellectual achievement, etc. is a threat to the rest of the world, because in college admissions offices, well, it's not even a competition anymore. Asians are dominating academics, across the board. They lack a bit of creativity, however. Also, the "asian mindset" is obviously a mental illness if, when one does not achieve "success," one believes they must commit suicide. This asian cultural trait is harmful to its race, as a whole.
Black people currently dominate athletics. There is not a single sport that will fall to the reign of black people, the world over. As soon as a single black person makes it through, the entire sport will be a simple competition between black people. This is of no lesser importance. AND within the black community, of those who DO prioritize academics above all things, they also dominate within mainstream academics, especially black women, damn. Maybe not to the extent that they believe they deserve, but change takes time. You all know this. But change is happening very rapidly, right now. I hope you're as prepared as your ancestors knew you would need to be. In my opinion, there is a gaping hole in financial literacy (I've ordered half a dozen items from black-owned businesses, and not a single one of them included an invoice. Like, if you don't realize that I need an invoice, then I can never do business with you, at any level), but my opinion doesn't matter, cause nobody's opinion matters, and I would obviously NEVER blame black people for refusing financial help from others. I get it. Nevertheless, create invoices and include them with your orders! Fuck!
(also, I used to spend money on stretch classes, supporting a black man ig user, and when they announced that they're having an early-bird special for some classes coming up in April, I commented inquiring about when the early-bird deal will end, cause, like, I have a budget, like a responsible human being, and a plan, for every cent of my money, so what I need is a date, and instead, some other user [seemingly "in-touch" with the ig account holder] commented something to the effect of, "the early-bird deal will be over when he finally gets consistent work and doesn't need to put his classes on discount," to which I thought, a] so this is a deeply troubled business and b] cause the people surrounding this "entrepreneur" lack a basic understanding of business. Like, all I needed in reply was, "March 1st," or some other date, not some comprehensive discussion about why this person doesn't have consistent work, i.e. spotty revenue. And also, this same ig account routinely insults its followers for asking basic questions about HOW TO GIVE HIM MONEY. In what universe do I want to give money to someone who is so upset to be asked, over and over again, about how to give him money? Like, seriously? Fuck you. What the fuck? On the other hand, every time I've commented on my favorite black woman designer's posts, she not only likes every single comment, she reposts Stories mentions, and she ANSWERS MY QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO GIVE HER MONEY, every. single. time. And even she did not include an invoice with my order, twice.)
And now we're at the place where I'm going to be yelled at for using the age-old ... what's the word ... excuse-of-the-whites ... by placing the "culture" of a race front and center, the lazy white man's idea, obviously. Cause when it comes to the whites, they want to frame "black culture" as violent, and so, *hands slapping together as that's that* that's that.
But it's not untrue.
Different races value different things because of the varied environmental factors that that race exists within, must survive through, as a whole.
Black people (obviously i'm no expert. this is merely how i translate the expression of their pain throughout the interwebs and in books) have been violated in a way that resonates throughout their entire race and culture. And it will resonate for all of time. Survival. They are trapped (especially the "type" of black person who is depicted as "the thug") within a box that white people drew for them, and then they're shot at (literally and figuratively, and yes, I will slap the person who updated the dictionary to appease the idiots if I ever meet this person) like fish in a barrel. This is not what I would call a "healthy" environment for the development of human people, no matter the race, duh (and of course, i speak to the narrow depictions of black people, as black culture and black people are as varied as any other race of people living on Earth). Nevertheless, it pales in comparison to what the poorest among humans (not mere black united statesians) of planet Earth have to survive through on an ongoing, never ending loop. And yes, black people, you're part of their suffering as citizens of these united states who benefit from the ongoing torture of others around the world. Sorry not sorry.
The strength of the whites is their ability to believe, so wholeheartedly, in their own might and power. It's unbelievable. Their weakness?, believing, so wholeheartedly, in their own perceived greatness.
My point is that there will always be trends. Different cultures, different races will ALWAYS value different things. The problem, for me, as a visitor of this "twenty-first" century is that humanity has yet to evolve to the place where that's a good thing.
If you want to step outside your measly little, meaningless life for a minute, then think about humanity in the greater scheme of the universe. I know, you, "christ followers" aren't allowed to believe in a larger universe as people so specifically designed by your "god," BAHAHAHAHAHA! *barf*
If you dare, then fucking think about yourself as a part of a whole, the whole of humanity. Fucking, duh! Like we're all here. We're all human. The literal differences between us are superficial. I have straight dark hair and small facial features. My skin is lighter but soaks up the sun well, so I can run the gamut on skin tone. Others are more well-prepared to soak up the sun and have dark skin, larger darker features perfectly suited for the environment in which the entirety of their genetic history lived. Like, get over yourself. We are all products of past humans who survived the conditions in which they were forced to survive. We're all out here suffering through our struggle to survive, every. single. day. day after day, week after week, year after year, until finally, one day, if we're lucky, our bodies have simply been lived out.
Nobody is suffering more than others. The whites want you to believe that they are not suffering, but they are. It may seem like their suffering is less painful, because they all seem well-off enough to afford their lives, but they cannot. Yes, some of their suffering comes from financial struggle (all self-induced, mind you), but their real suffering is that they have no culture; if they do, it is one of consumption, and well, just look at them. They have no culture; they aren't a race. They're like leaderless wanderers, stabbing into the darkness wondering why it's so dark in here, when they are the ones who destroyed all of the light sources.
The fact that some people want to hate and harm others simply for being different is the most disgusting, outrageous crime against humanity brought upon us BY HUMANS!
The point is less about celebrating diversity and trying our damndest to "include everyone" and more about realizing that to demand that each race be represented by that race's human achievement is racism. Indians demanding that they get all the credit for "yoga" is racist. Asians demanding that they get all the credit for "math" is racist. Blacks demanding that they get all the credit for everything "cool" is racist.
Like, when did everyone get this so ass-fucking backward? (It's perfectly normal to be gay, like get over yourself.)
The first Native American to win a Grammy!
The first Black Woman to win an Emmy in eighty years!
The first Asian-American to lead a movie!
These are all incredibly RACIST statements! Like, DUH! FUCK!
It is our differences as a HUMAN SPECIES that ensures our survival. One race cannot rule them all because one race cannot know everything that there is to know. Yes, I know that the whites have done a pretty good job of convincing themselves that they can, and that they are the supreme race, but like, just on a superficial note, look how ugly they are? Not just like physically, like duh, they're hideous to look at, but look at their souls. White culture is ugly. Their reign will be short, because they are an ugly peoples.
And so, what is the answer? The answer is to stop being so caught up on your individuality. Stop trying so hard to express yourself as a person that is not part of the human race. Stop emphasizing what fucking diversity boxes you check, taking a holier-than-thou position because not only are you a minority woman, you're also gay! This is not what makes you more or less worthy of being treated like a human. You should be treated like a human BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN! Not some weird-ass queer.
("wah! boo! hiss! she so obviously doesn't get it! it's because we {the "diversity troop"} have been robbed of our humanity that we must highlight it, stand for the equity of everyone else just like me! we have been considered less-than human for all of human history! check your privilege!" to which I respond, "majority rules.")
And like, enough with the pronouns and sexuality train. Like, seriously. EVERYONE ISN'T DYING TO KNOW WHAT GENITALS YOU HAVE!!! FUCK!
That's that.
Signing off as an east-asian, transracial, orphaned human female woman. If only I were gay!
[end note] The high school from which I graduated did not utilize a weighted GPA, and so, I was, thusly, not valedictorian (cause I had an 89.8 [or something close] in spanish, due to my hectic schedule that I will address next), and even if it did, how do you compare the A's I received from an off-campus med-prep program for seniors that I attended as a junior to the grades of a student who got straight A's in the basic requirements that high school demands and thusly, didn't take a single AP course, etc.? You can't. It didn't matter in the end. I don't have some sort of grudge, because at the end of the day, I won all of the academic scholarship money, cause, like I said, my high school stats, well, it wasn't even a competition, lol. I am a poor sport, cause I'ma sore winner. Always have been, always will be. "All I do is win, win, win." And winners don't garner friendships, cause well, most people can't stand living so intimately with the feeling of jealousy. *sigh* Bummer *shrug* ... for them! BAHAHAHAHA!