Are you ready for Orbital Living?
re Ozark (the Netflix serial)
I can't help but feel as if the show specifically depicts a marriage when it has, ultimately, failed.
re the "American Melting Pot"
... more like, the American Gauntlet
re Arrival
the point at which I realize that I'm over myself
re "family is forever" and/or "everything"
but then what is to be made of the "orphan"?
re Headlines re the Future
"The World's Third Trillionaire Makes First Purchase of One of Earth's Countries"
re Slavery, Economic or Otherwise:
the Journey of having been made
re Eating
I wish to eat with such joie de vivre that I have to wash my face after eating, which is why I cook everything I eat.
re Gemma Chan
She's a fellow Sag (sounds like vag, as in vagina), which makes me feel very optimistic about our future friendship potential. Fingers crossed!
re Pop Culture (co-written w/ the bodybuddy/lifemate, aka, MyIndividuation)
Idiots celebrating Idiots
re Identity
If you don't know who you are, how can you ever hope to be yourself?
re the Illiterati
The death of literacy was always going to be the death of civilization.
re Work
... been looking for some "ambient office noise"
re the perpetuation of a "stagnant form of society" is ...
to quote Thomas Sowell (in his Marxism p 75) as he quotes Karl Marx quoting Pecqueur,
"to decree universal mediocrity"